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  1. 01 October 2020

    The Chief Justice today announced the appointment of 18 Senior Counsel.

  2. 20 August 2020

    Further measures to limit the movement of people during Stage 4 restrictions

  3. 14 July 2020

    A joint review will consider measures to prevent sexual harassment, and improve accountability across the state’s courts and VCAT.

  4. 08 July 2020

    Statement from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Chief Judge of the County Court

  5. 29 June 2020

    Joint statement on safe healthy and respectful workplaces by the Heads of Jurisdiction of Victoria's courts and tribunal. 

  6. 23 June 2020

    The Court will welcome two new judicial registrars over the coming months.

  7. 12 June 2020

    Tomorrow, 13 June 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the Court of Appeal.

  8. 02 June 2020

    The Court welcomes newly appointed judges to the Court of Appeal and Trial Division.

  9. 18 May 2020

    Information on the sentencing in the matters DPP v Hazelwood Power Corporation Pty Ltd and DPP v Hazelwood Pacific Pty Ltd & Ors.

  10. 14 May 2020

    The Supreme Court of Victoria congratulates the state’s top law graduates and recipients of this year’s Supreme Court Prize.