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  1. 07 April 2020

    Due to the measures being taken in respect of coronavirus, the Corporations – Winding Up in Insolvency List (‘Winding Up List’) will be managed differently until further advised.

  2. 30 March 2020

    Applications for Senior Counsel in Victoria open 30 March.

  3. 20 March 2020

    The Supreme Court of Victoria is changing the way it operates in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  4. 18 March 2020

    Information on the hearing in the matter of Abdullah Chaarani, Ahmed Mohamed and Hatim Moukhaiber v The Queen

  5. 18 March 2020

    Information on the hearing in the matter of Ibrahim Abbas v The Queen.

  6. 12 January 2017

    New Practice Notes affecting litigation in the Supreme Court will come into effect from 30 January 2017.

  7. 16 March 2020

    As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) evolves, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of the Courts Council, Anne Ferguson has issued a statement.

  8. 15 March 2020

    Expressions of interest are sought for two judicial registrar positions.

  9. 10 March 2020

    5 weeks until the launch of electronic filing (eFiling) for probate matters.

  10. 02 March 2020

    Information on the hearing in the matter of Jaymes Todd v The Queen