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  1. 21 November 2019

    Watch the live stream of the opening statements in the Mills and Ors v Powercor Australia Ltd and Ors.

  2. 15 November 2019

    The appeal hearing in DPP v Borce Ristevski was heard today.

  3. 14 November 2019

    The Supreme Court of Victoria’s 2017-19 Annual Report was tabled in Parliament today.

  4. 14 November 2019

    Information on the appeal hearing in the matter of DPP v Borce Ristevski.

  5. 13 November 2019

    Justice Nichols was officially welcomed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria by the profession today.

  6. 30 October 2019

    Read Justice Hollingworth's sentencing remarks delivered on 29 October 2019.

  7. 24 October 2019

    The Supreme and County courts are hosting a free seminar on Thursday 14 November 2019.

  8. 22 October 2019

    Justice Lisa Michelle Nichols appointed as judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

  9. 15 October 2019

    Expressions of interest sought from qualified persons.

  10. 04 October 2019

    Justice Sifris presided over the first Court-run e-Trial in the Commercial Court.