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The Supreme Court of Victoria has established a cross-divisional Group Proceedings (Class Actions) List

The Supreme Court of Victoria has established a cross-divisional list – the Group Proceedings List – in which all group proceedings (commonly referred to as ‘class actions’) filed pursuant to Part 4A of the Supreme Court Act 1986 (Vic) will be managed within the Court. 

Justice John Dixon and Justice Lisa Nichols are the Judges-in-Charge of the list.

Practice Note SC GEN 10 Conduct of Group Proceedings (Class Actions) (second revision), which provides guidance on the management of all group proceedings in the Court, has been updated accordingly. Find out more about the newly established list in the Group Proceedings List Notice to the Profession issued on 13 October 2020.

As common law group proceedings were managed in the Major Torts List, Practice Note SC CL 4 Major Torts List has also been updated. 

Published on 15 October 2020