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Please note: the Education Program at the Supreme and County courts, and Juries Victoria, is currently on hold for 2025. To receive updates about the program, email rqhpngvba@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@noitacude .

The Courts Education Program runs in the Supreme Court, County Court and Magistrates’ Court. Juries Victoria also offers sessions.


Sessions held onsite provide students with the opportunity to meet with judicial officers and magistrates, explore courtrooms and observe courtroom proceedings. Students participating in online sessions engage with judges and associates and may observe a court hearing.


Please note the Education Program at the Supreme and County Courts, and Juries Victoria, is currently on hold for 2025. To receive further updates, email education@supcourt.vic.gov.au.

Please note:

  • Onsite sessions at the Supreme and Magistrates’ Court are capped at 25 students.
  • Onsite sessions of the Juries Education Program are capped at 40 students.
  • There is no limit on the number of students/schools that can participate in an online session.

View the guide to learn how to book a session.


The Supreme Court runs onsite sessions each week as part of the Courts Education Program. Online sessions are run periodically.

When coming in to the Court students participate in either a morning or afternoon session. When available, students have the opportunity to meet with a judicial officer. Groups also sit in courtroom galleries to observe proceedings and visit the Law Library.

All visitors to the Court must go through security screening before entering. Visit the security page for more information about conditions of entry. 

For further information about the Supreme Court’s Education Program, and to make an enquiry about participating in an online session, contact  rqhpngvba@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@noitacude