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On Wednesday 31 March 2021, Justice Peter Almond retired as a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

On Wednesday 31 March 2021, Justice Peter Almond retired as a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

“Without doubt, serving as a judge of this Court has been the highest honour of my professional career,” his Honour said.

Appointed as a judge of the Court on 27 July 2010, after 28 years working as a barrister at the Bar (the final 11 years as a Silk), Justice Almond sat on the Bench one last time and thanked those that had made his time at the Court rich and fulfilling, in a pre-recorded address.

“Today I retire as a judge of this Court in a COVID-affected world. A conventional farewell ceremony is not practicable.”

“No one can discharge their judicial role alone. I’d like to express my gratitude to the hundreds of practitioners, barristers, solicitors, instructing solicitors, who have appeared before me to prosecute cases and represent clients in civil and criminal matters.”

He acknowledged the support he had received from the “two inspirational Chief Justices, Chief Justice Warren and Chief Justice Ferguson”, associates, secretaries, Court researchers, registry, judicial and administration support staff, during his time.

Reflecting upon his welcome to the Court, Justice Almond recalled quoting Socrates who said ‘there are four things that belong to a judge: to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially’.

“As a judge of this Court I have endeavoured to ensure that those things belonged to me.”

Watch Justice Almond’s farewell video.

Published on 12 April 2021