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The Chief Justice, the President and the Judges of the Court of Appeal and Trial Division are called upon to speak from time to time upon various legal or associated topics. The following speeches and papers are made available to the legal profession and the general public.

These speeches and papers are copyright works. Permission is given for fair dealing with these speeches and papers as permitted under copyright legislation, including for the purpose of private study and research. Apart from those uses, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission.

  1. Remarks by the Honourable Justice Greg Garde at the commemoration ceremony in Bendigo to honour four lawyers from that city who gave their lives in service of their country on the battlefields of Anzac and France during the Great War.

  2. Commentary by the Honourable Justice Croft on Tim Castle’s draft United Nations Day Lecture 2017 paper delivered at the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for Australia’s UN Day event, Melbourne.

  3. A paper presented by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft to the Arbitration Special Interest Group at the Resolution Institute, Melbourne, on Monday 16 October 2017.

  4. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Tate at the Farewell Breakfast for the Hon. Marilyn Warren AC, Chief Justice of Victoria, hosted by the Women Barristers’ Association and Victorian Women Lawyers, Melbourne.

  5. A paper delivered by the Hon. Justice Mark Weinberg at the 40th anniversary of the Federal Court of Australia conference, Sydney.
  6. Eulogy for the Hon. Rosemary Balmford AM delivered by the Hon. Justice Pamela Tate, on behalf of the Supreme Court of Victoria, on the occasion of her funeral service, Trinity College Chapel, The University of Melbourne.

  7. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Vickery at the 2017 Australian Bar Association Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
  8. Remarks of the Honourable Justice Hargrave, Principal Judge of the Commercial Court, Supreme Court of Victoria, at Leo Cussen Centre for Law, Melbourne, 30 March 2017.

  9. Remarks by the Honourable Justice Chris Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal at the launch of King and Wood Mallesons' Equitable Briefing Policy, Melbourne.
  10. Remarks by Dr Mike Richards on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Ronald Ryan's hanging, Supreme Court Library, Friday 3 February 2017.
  11. Remarks by the Hon. Dr Barry Jones AC on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Ronald Ryan's hanging, Supreme Court Library, Friday 3 February 2017.

  12. Speech given by the Hon. Associate Justice Ierodiaconou to the Annual Employment Law Update 2016, CPD and Networking Seminar, Victorian Bar.

  13. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Lex Lasry to the Criminal Law Congress, South Australia, 14 October 2016.
  14. A speech by the Honourable Associate Justice Ierodiaconou at the New Barristers' CPD Event, Victorian Bar.

  15. A speech by the Honourable Justice Macaulay at the launch of the Victorian Reports 2016, Melbourne (17 August) and Sydney (18 August).

  16. A speech by the Honourable Justice Mark Weinberg to the Victoria Law Foundation Law Oration, Banco Court, Supreme Court of Victoria.
  17. Speech by the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou at the Deakin Law School Alumni Lecture.
  18. Remarks of the Honourable Justice Cameron Macaulay at the celebration of 20 years of AustLII in the Law Library of Victoria, 30 November 2015.