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The Chief Justice, the President and the Judges of the Court of Appeal and Trial Division are called upon to speak from time to time upon various legal or associated topics. The following speeches and papers are made available to the legal profession and the general public.

These speeches and papers are copyright works. Permission is given for fair dealing with these speeches and papers as permitted under copyright legislation, including for the purpose of private study and research. Apart from those uses, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission.

  1. The speech 'Judges and Human Rights' was presented by the Hon Justice Maxwell, President of the Court of Appeal, on 4 May 2012, to the Queen's Inn Dinner, Queen's College, University of Melbourne.

  2. The speech 'The Labyrinthine Nature of Federal Sentencing' was presented by the Hon. Justice Weinberg at the National Judicial College of Australia and ANU College of Law, in Canberra on 11 February 2012
  3. The speech 'Keeping an open mind: The importance of informed public debate about sentencing' was presented by the Hon Justice Maxwell, President of the Court of Appeal, to the ICJ Victoria Sentencing Forum on 7 December 2011.

  4. The Keynote Address, Victoria's Human Rights Charter was presented by the Hon Justice Bell at the Human Rights and Administrative law Conference on 28 October 2011
  5. The speech 'The Role of Courts Under Asset Confiscation Legislation' was presented by the Hon Justice Maxwell, President of the Court of Appeal, at the OPP Proceeds of Crime Conference at Langham Hotel at Southbank, on 6 October 2011.

  6. The speech 'The Criminal Law - A "Mildly Vituperative" Critique' was presented by the Hon Justice Weinberg at the Peter Brett Memorial Lecture at Melbourne Law School on 10 August 2011
  7. A paper presented by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft to the Judges of the Supreme Court of Singapore, Singapore.

  8. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft to the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London.

  9. The speech 'The Future of International Arbitration in Australia ' a Victorian Supreme Court Perspective' was presented by the Hon Justice Croft at the Law Institute of Victoria seminar ' 'The Future of International Arbitration in Australia' ' 6 June 2011. It is adapted from a paper presented at the ICCA 50th Anniversary Conference -19 to 20 May 2011 ' Geneva
  10. Monash University Graduation Address given by Justice Pamela Tate on 5 May 2011.
  11. Speech by Justice Pamela Tate given as part of an administrative law intensive in Wellington, New Zealand on developments in the constitutional protection of property rights.

  12. A paper presented by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft at the Trusts Symposium hosted by the Adelaide branch of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and the Law Society of South Australia.

  13. Presentation given by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft at a seminar hosted by the Geelong Law Association.

  14. The speech 'Speech Opening of the Legal Year - Geelong - 2011' was given by The Hon. Justice Clyde Croft on Monday 17 January 2011
  15. The speech 'Case management in the Commercial Court and under the Civil Procedure Act' was given by the Hon. Justice Croft at the Civil Procedure Act 2010 Conference on 30 November 2010.

  16. The speech 'Summary Judgment Part 4.4 of the Civil Procedure Act' was given by the Hon. Justice Croft at the Judicial College of Victoria Civil Procedure Workshop for judges on 19 November 2010.
  17. A presentation by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft at the Financial Review International Dispute Resolution Conference 2010, Sydney.

  18. A paper presented by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft at the Commercial Court CPD and CLE Seminar – Aon Risk Services Australia Ltd v ANU [2009] HCA 27: What does this mean for litigation and how will it affect trial preparation?

  19. A presentation by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft for the Rabbinical Arbitration Course, Melbourne.

  20. The speech 'Therapeutic Jurisprudence: First Steps in the Supreme Court' was given by the Hon. Justice Maxwell, President of the Court of Appeal, to the AIJA Conference on Non-Adversarial Justice on 5 May 2010.