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The Chief Justice, the President and the Judges of the Court of Appeal and Trial Division are called upon to speak from time to time upon various legal or associated topics. The following speeches and papers are made available to the legal profession and the general public.

These speeches and papers are copyright works. Permission is given for fair dealing with these speeches and papers as permitted under copyright legislation, including for the purpose of private study and research. Apart from those uses, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission.

  1. A paper by the Hon. Chief Justice Allsop and the Hon. Justice Croft, prepared for the Commercial CPD Seminar Series, 11 November 2015.

  2. Speech, 'Inspiring change: Creating a healthy workplace', by the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou at the Annual Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation Lecture in Melbourne.

  3. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft for the Keynote Address at 'kon gres 2015, Melbourne, 24 September 2015.
  4. Speech by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft, Supreme Court of Victoria, and the Hon. Chief Justice James Allsop AO, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, presented at the APRAG Tenth Anniversary Conference ' Melbourne 2014

  5. A paper by the Hon. Justice Croft, prepared for 'Balancing the Demands of Judicial Life,' a Judicial College of Victoria discussion panel, 1 September 2015.

  6. Speech by The Hon. Justice Robert Redlich for the 20th Anniversary of the Court of Appeal, 20 August 2015.

  7. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft, at the Law Institute of Victoria PD Intensive: Commercial Law, Melbourne, 26 March 2015.
  8. The speech 'Commercial Court Reforms' presented by Judicial Registrar Julian Hetyey at the Legalwise Seminar - Advanced Litigation Conference.
  9. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft presented at the Arbitrators' & Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Conference 2014, Queenstown.

  10. The speech 'Statutory interpretive techniques under the Charter' was presented by the Hon. Justice Tate at the conference 'Human rights under the Charter: The development of human rights law in Victoria' in Melbourne, on 8 August 2014.
  11. Speech by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft presented at the International Arbitration Conference 2014, Sydney.

  12. The speech 'Judicial independence as institutional autonomy: Court-led reforms' was presented by the Hon. Justice Tate at the 2014 Western Australian Judges, Master and Registrars' Conference in Perth on 30 August.

  13. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft presented at the Arbitrators' & Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Conference 2014, Queenstown.
  14. The speech 'The impact of special commissions of inquiry/crime commissions on criminal trials' was presented by the Hon. Justice Weinberg at the Supreme Court of New South Wales Annual Conference in Wollongong on 1 August 2014 under the auspices of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales.
  15. A paper presented by The Honourable Justice Hargrave at the Commercial CPD Seminar Series, Melbourne, 2 April 2014.

  16. The speech 'Adequate, sufficient and excessive reasons' was presented by the Hon. Justice Weinberg at the Judicial College of Victoria on 4 March 2014.
  17. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft presented at the Law Institute of Victoria Costs Conference, 14 February 2014, Melbourne.

  18. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft presented at the UNCITRAL-MOJ-KCAB Joint Conference: Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific Region: Opportunities and Challenges, 11-12 November 2013, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

  19. Speech by The Hon. Justice Croft presented at the Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Annual Conference, 25 - 27 July 2013 (Auckland).

  20. A Woman's Place is at the Bar - Speech