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The Chief Justice, the President and the Judges of the Court of Appeal and Trial Division are called upon to speak from time to time upon various legal or associated topics. The following speeches and papers are made available to the legal profession and the general public.

These speeches and papers are copyright works. Permission is given for fair dealing with these speeches and papers as permitted under copyright legislation, including for the purpose of private study and research. Apart from those uses, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission.

  1. Remarks of the Hon. Justice Quigley at the opening of the Geelong Legal Year 2020.

  2. Monash University Law Review annual dinner address by the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson

  3. Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference opening address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson.

  4. Sir Zelman Cowen Address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at the Melbourne University Law Review annual dinner.

  5. 'Changing Face of the Supreme Court', delivered by the Hon. Justice Kyrou on 28 August 2019 at the North West Victorian Law Association Dinner, Mildura.

  6. Keynote address by Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at an International Bar Association seminar, Melbourne.

  7. Keynote address by the Honourable Anne Ferguson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria at the Wellness for Law Forum 2019, Melbourne

  8. Speech by the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou at the Victorian Legal Services Board, Staff Speaker Series, Melbourne.

  9. Remarks of the Hon. Justice Pamela Tate at the 2018 ABA and NSWBA National Conference, Sydney.

  10. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Pamela Tate at the 25th Anniversary of the Women Barristers' Association of the Victorian Bar, 9 October 2018, Melbourne.

  11. Remarks by the Hon. Justice Mark Weinberg AO to the New South Wales Supreme Court Conference, Bowral.

  12. Remarks of the Hon. Associate Justice Derham to the Law Institute of Victoria Property Law Conference, Melbourne, Friday, 24 August 2018

  13. Remarks of the Hon. Justice Sifris at the Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Conference

  14. Remarks by the Honourable Justice Pamela Tate at the Graduation ceremony, Monash University, Robert Blackwood Hall, Clayton Campus, Melbourne, Thursday 24 May 2018.

  15. Remarks by Judicial Registrar Julie Clayton at the Australian Lawyers Alliance Victorian State Conference, Lorne, Victoria, on Saturday 5 May 2018.

  16. Remarks of the Honourable Associate Justice Ierodiaconou at the Industrial Bar CPD: Second Annual Employment Law Update Victorian Bar.
  17. Remarks by the Honourable Justice Pamela Tate at the 2018 Constitutional Law Conference, Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, UNSW, Sydney.

  18. Remarks by Judicial Registrar Julian Hetyey at the Law Institute of Victoria Future Focus Forum, Melbourne