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The Chief Justice, the President and the Judges of the Court of Appeal and Trial Division are called upon to speak from time to time upon various legal or associated topics. The following speeches and papers are made available to the legal profession and the general public.

These speeches and papers are copyright works. Permission is given for fair dealing with these speeches and papers as permitted under copyright legislation, including for the purpose of private study and research. Apart from those uses, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission.

  1. The Timeless Value of Insights and Wisdom - Justice O'Meara, Trans-Tasman Bar Conference, Queenstown, 16 August 2024

  2. Remarks of the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, on the occasion of an admission ceremony in the Banco Court 9.30am, Tuesday, 30 July 2024.

  3. Remarks of the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou, at the Law Institute of Victoria's Welcome to the Profession event on Wednesday 20 March 2024. 

  4. Keynote address at the National Wellness for Law Forum 2024 on 15 February by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson.

  5. Remarks of the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou, Melbourne at the launch of the 2023 Victoria Women Lawyers' Professional Mentoring Program in Melbourne. 

  6. Remarks of the Hon. Justice O'Meara, Victorian Bar Readers’ Dinner, Melbourne, 18 May 2023.

  7. Launch of the Victorian Chapter of Pride in Law, Supreme Court Library, Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson Thursday, 18 May 2023

  8. Remarks by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson at the ceremonial sitting of the Court of Appeal at the Bendigo Law Courts on Wednesday, 5 April 2023.

  9. Address by the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson at the Law Institute of Victoria’s ‘Essential Briefing on the State of the Profession’ on Wednesday, 22 March 2023.

  10. Bendigo Law Courts Opening Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Ferguson on Friday, 24 February 2023.

  11. Remarks of the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou, Melbourne.1

  12. Address of the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson at the 2022 Australian Bar Association Conference on 29 April 2022 at the State Library of Victoria.

  13. Remarks of the Hon. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson on the occasion of an admission ceremony in the Banco Court on Tuesday, 12 April 2022.

  14. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Anne Ferguson, today addressed a Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) ‘Essential Briefing for the Profession’ online event.

  15. Remarks of the Honourable Associate Justice Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou at the Victorian Women Lawyers’ Professional Mentoring Program, Melbourne.

  16. Paper presented by The Hon. Justice Weinberg at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 9 September 2020

  17. A paper delivered by the Hon. Justice Mark Weinberg at the Australian Academy of Science and Australian Academy of Law Joint Symposium ‘The Reception, Quality and Evaluation of Scientific Evidence in Australian Courts’, Federal Court of Australia, Sydney, on 19 August 2020.

  18. Address by Justice Chris Maxwell, President, Victorian Court of Appeal, at the Community Opening of the Legal Year.