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Here you will find the most common forms that are lodged with the Probate Office in support of on application or after an application has been filed.


The forms required in relation to filing an application, caveat or depositing a will for safekeeping are generated via RedCrest-Probate.  View more information about how to apply for probate or administration.  

Showing 11 - 20 of 43 results
Summary Documents
Probate Office – Affidavit of nomination and consent

This affidavit is to be filed in support of an application for letters of administration that has been made by a person who is not entitled by law to share in the estate.

Affidavit of nomination and consent (docx 28.37KB) Affidavit of nomination and consent (pdf 179.10KB)
Form 42B Subpoena to produce

Form 42B Subpoena to Produce is used to compel a person to produce documents at the trial of a proceeding.

Form 42B - Subpoena to Produce (pdf 227.36KB) Form 42B - Subpoena to Produce (docx 30.70KB)
Form 42A Subpoena to attend to give evidence

Form 42A Subpoena to Attend to Give Evidence is used to compel a person to attend to give evidence at the trial of a proceeding.

Subpoena to attend to give evidence (pdf 101.29KB) Subpoena to attend to give evidence (docx 26.11KB)
Probate Office - Renunciation of Probate

These forms are to be used where an executor wishes to renounce their role as executor.

Renunciation of Probate (doc 55.50KB) Renunciation of Probate (pdf 250.17KB)
Form 42AA Subpoena for production to the Prothonotary

Form 42AA Subpoena for Production to the Prothonotary is used when issuing a subpoena for production of documents or things to the Prothonotary.

Form 42AA - Subpoena for production to the Prothonotary (docx 30.09KB) Form 42AA - Subpoena for production to the Prothonotary (pdf 229.85KB)
Probate Office – completed sample affidavit

This page contains a completed sample affidavit, to show what a completed sworn/affirmed affidavit should look like.

Sample signed affidavit (pdf 1.20MB)
Probate Office - Hierarchy of relationships

The hierarchy of relationships can be used to assist in determining who is entitled to share in an estate.

Hierarchy of relationships (pdf 506.49KB)
Probate – Request to amend a grant of representation

Form to be used to request amendment to a grant of representation

Request to amend Grant form (docx 603.68KB) Request to amend Grant form (pdf 761.65KB)
Request to uplift a will and associated affidavits

Form and sample affidavits to be used to request delivery of a will which is held by the Registrar of Probates for safekeeping.

Request to uplift will form (pdf 854.08KB) Request to uplift will form (docx 604.44KB)
Probate Office - Notice of Discontinuance

This form is to be used to discontinue an application for a grant of representation.

Notice of discontinuance (doc 53.50KB) Notice of discontinuance (pdf 246.30KB)