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  1. 25 January 2018

    The Supreme Court of Victoria continues to perform strongly across all areas of the Court according to the latest Productivity Commission data on government services.

  2. 01 January 2018

    The Supreme Court (Chapter I Appendices A and B Amendment) Rules 2017 come into effect on 1 January 2018.

  3. 21 December 2017

    Electronic filing for the Taxation list, Arbitration list and Admiralty list in the Commercial Court will be enabled from Tuesday, 2 January 2018.

  4. 21 December 2017

    Watch Justice Lasry deliver sentence.

  5. 21 December 2017

    Watch Justice Bell deliver sentence.

  6. 20 December 2017

    The Supreme Court (Criminal Procedure) Rules 2017 commence on 1 January 2018, replacing the Supreme Court (Criminal Procedure) Rules 2008.

  7. 20 December 2017

    View live sentencing on Thursday 21 December.

  8. 19 December 2017

    The Supreme Court welcomes judges to the Bench

  9. 19 December 2017

    Court of Appeal announcement

  10. 13 December 2017

    Supreme Court approves merger of Tatts Group Ltd and Tabcorp Holdings.