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, also known as 'class actions' or 'representative proceedings', are legal cases in which one or more plaintiffs make a claim for themselves and on behalf of other people. The people make a claim together because their claims arise out of the same, similar, or related circumstances. The group of people are referred to as ‘group members'. 

The Victorian group proceedings regime commenced in January 2000 and is governed by Part 4A of the Supreme Court Act 1986. All group proceedings, regardless of their subject matter, are filed in the Group Proceedings List.

Judges in charge

The judges-in-charge of the List are the Honourable Justice Keogh and the Honourable Justice Nichols.  The judges-in-charge allocate proceedings for management by a judge in either the Commercial Court or the Common Law Division.

The below are currently before the Court. New group proceedings appear here when they are for a case management conference. The Court publishes information and notices to group members on each page. You can also view a hearings report that details when each proceeding is listed to be heard before the Court.

When the Court approves a proposed settlement, it moves into supervision.

Contact  cldgroupproceedings@supcourt.vic.gov.au  for more information regarding in the Common Law Division.

Contact  CommercialCourtGroupProceedings@supcourt.vic.gov.au  for more information regarding group proceedings in the Commercial Court.