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  1. 02 December 2016

    Read the Chief Justice's remarks and view the ceremony.

  2. 30 November 2016

    Compromise is approved and proceedings discontinued.

  3. 22 November 2016

    The Chief Justice today announced the appointment of 18 Senior Counsel.

  4. 18 November 2016

    Court of Appeal allows appeal.

  5. 08 November 2016

    The Court's efiling system will be offline this weekend while we improve it for all users.

  6. 25 October 2016

    Proceeding resolved in the Supreme Court.

  7. 21 October 2016

    Chief Justice addresses VWL's 20th Anniversary Celebration.

  8. 20 October 2016

    The Chief Justice has addressed the Commercial Bar on commercial law in Victoria as a significant part of national jurisprudence.

  9. 17 October 2016

    Court of Appeal dismisses appeals against conviction and sentence.

  10. 14 October 2016

    Court of Appeal allows appeal by the Chief Commissioner of Police.