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  1. 28 September 2021

    Deirdre McCann and Elizabeth Tueno have been appointed judicial registrars of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

  2. 15 September 2021

    Court File Searches And Affidavits Are Changing

  3. 17 August 2021

    In accordance with public health advice during the lockdown restrictions in place from 11.59pm on 16 August 2021, physical attendance for hearings in the Supreme Court will be limited to urgent and priority matters that cannot proceed remotely.

  4. 06 August 2021

    In accordance with public health advice during the lockdown restrictions in place from 8pm on 5 August 2021, physical attendance for hearings in the Supreme Court will be limited to essential matters that cannot proceed remotely.

  5. 27 July 2021

    A number of new judicial officers have been appointed today to the Supreme Court of Victoria.

  6. 16 July 2021

    In accordance with public health advice during the lockdown restrictions in place from 11.59pm 15 July 2021, physical attendance for hearings in the Supreme Court will be limited to essential matters that cannot proceed remotely.

  7. 28 June 2021

    From 1 July 2021, there will be changes to service providers for transcripts in civil proceedings.

  8. 25 June 2021

    Fees payable to the Prothonotary, the Probate Office and the Court of Appeal will increase from 1 July 2021.

  9. 10 June 2021

    The following update is from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of Courts Council, Anne Ferguson, on behalf of the Victorian courts and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

  10. 04 June 2021

    In accordance with public health advice during the extended Circuit Breaker Restrictions, physical attendance for hearings in the Supreme Court will be limited to those matters were it is not practicable to proceed remotely.