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The Supreme Court of Victoria has introduced a new specialist list for the management of commercial and retail lease matters.

The Commercial and Retail Leases List seeks to provide an efficient approach to the management of commercial and retail lease disputes heard by the Court.

Headed by Justice M Osborne, the cross-divisional list will include matters from the Commercial Court and Common Law Division. This includes:

  • first instance proceedings, within the Court’s jurisdiction, concerning commercial and retail lease disputes
  • appeals under section 148 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
  • judicial review applications in relation to VCAT decisions concerning commercial and retail lease disputes

The list commences operation on 4 April 2022 with proceedings administered by the Commercial Court Registry.

For more information, read the latest Notice to the Profession or contact the Commercial Court Registry at pbzzrepvnypbheg@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@truoclaicremmoc or (03) 8600 2002.

Published on 25 March 2022