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The Supreme Court hears cases in a number of different buildings in Melbourne's CBD and in 12 locations in regional Victoria. The following is a list of all regional and city Court buildings and the locations of all our courtrooms.

Melbourne CBD

Supreme Court of Victoria

210 William Street, Melbourne
Opening hours: 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am to 5pm on Fridays

  • Courts 1 to 15

Old High Court

450 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

  • Old High Court 1
  • Old High Court 2
  • Old High Court 3

Court of Appeal

459 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

  • Green Court (Ground floor)
  • Red Court (First floor)
  • Blue Court (Second floor)

William Cooper Justice Centre

223 William Street, Melbourne
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

  • Court 3 (level 1)
  • Court 5 (level 2)
  • Court 6 (level 3)

See our Court Calendar for a list of Melbourne sitting term dates.


The Registry counter located at 450 Little Bourke Street is open from 9:30am to 4:00pm.  

For general enquiries, or to make an appointment with the Supreme Court Registry, contact (03) 8600 2000 from 8:30am to 5:00pm on business days. 

More information about the registries, chambers and administrative areas can be found on the Contact Us page.

Regional courthouses and registry locations

When hearing cases in regional Victoria, the Supreme Court sits at the following courts. These courts also provide multi-jurisdictional registry services. Supreme Court documents can be filed at any of these courts:

Ballarat Magistrates' Court
100 Grenville Street South
(PO Box 604)
Ballarat Victoria 3350
Phone: 03 7003 4113
Bendigo Law Courts
188 Hargreaves St,
(PO Box 930)
Bendigo Victoria 3550
Phone: 03 9087 5733
Geelong Magistrates' Court
Railway Terrace
(PO Box 428)
Geelong Victoria 3220
Phone: 03 4249 4800
Hamilton Magistrates' Court
Martin Street
(PO Box 422)
Hamilton Victoria 3300
Phone: 03 4505 1200
Horsham Magistrates' Court
22 Roberts Avenue
(PO Box 111)
Horsham Victoria 3400
Phone: 03 4309 6100
La Trobe Valley Magistrates' Court
134 Commercial Road
Morwell Victoria 3840
Phone: 03 5194 4300
Mildura Magistrates' Court
56 Deakin Avenue
(PO Box 5014)
Mildura Victoria 3500
Phone: 03 5021 6000
Sale Magistrates' Court
79 - 87 Foster Street (Princes Highway)
(PO Box 351)
Sale Victoria 3850
Phone: 03 4113 7800
Shepparton Magistrates' Court
14 High Street
(PO Box 607)
Shepparton Victoria 3630
Phone: 03 5895 4444
Wangaratta Magistrates' Court
24 Faithfull Street
(PO Box 504)
Wangaratta Victoria 3677
Phone: 03 5757 5900
Warrnambool Magistrates' Court
218 Koroit St
(PO Box 244)
Warrnambool Victoria 3280
Phone: 03 4505 0800
Wodonga Magistrates' Court
5 Elgin Boulevard
(PO Box 50)
Wodonga Victoria 3690
Phone: 02 6043 7000
Check the Court calendar for a list of regional sitting dates.