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New exhibition in the library highlights the 1990s.

From today, visitors can view a new exhibition in the Supreme Court Library all about the 1990s.

The 1990s marked 10 years of dynamic change at the Supreme Court. The winds of technological change were blowing with the arrival of emails, the Supreme Court website and new technology in the courtrooms.

The Supreme Court building was renovated, the Court of Appeal building overhauled and the library radically refurbished from the top of the dome down (which included the insertion of floors and the restoration of its heritage features).

The Principal Registry also moved across the road to 436 Lonsdale Street. Big paper and leather registers gave way to electronic databases for tracking and maintaining court records.

The new exhibition highlights the high profile corporate failures of the early 1990s and showcases the appointment of the first female judge to the Supreme Court Bench in 1996.

The exhibition will run through to the end of the year and can be viewed in the Supreme Court Library during business hours.

The Court's recent history is also discussed in 'The making of the modern Supreme Court', a chapter in the Supreme Court's 175th commemorative publication entitled, 'Judging for the People: A social history of the Supreme Court in Victoria 1841-2016'.

The book can be purchased from the Supreme Court Library, ph 03 8600 2009.

More Supreme Court news

Published on 05 September 2016