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In association with the Federal Court and the Victorian Bar.

On Friday 10 March 2017, the Supreme Court of Victoria hosted a celebration in honour of the 10-year anniversary of the Indigenous Clerkship Program.

Attended by several judges and a number of members of the Victorian Bar, the Chief Justice and Justice Kaye spoke at the event, warmly welcoming this year's Indigenous clerks; Emilie O'Brien, Mason Peter and Max Wilson.

The Indigenous Clerkship Program is facilitated by the Victorian Bar and offers Indigenous law students the opportunity to participate in three weeks' paid work experience at the Supreme Court, Federal Court and the Victorian Bar in February to March each year.

While at the Court, participants spend a week in chambers, observing cases and undertaking research tasks. They are also given opportunities to speak one-on-one with a judge, allowing students to speak candidly about the law and possible career pathways.

The Supreme Court has participated in the program for the last 10 years. Justice Kaye is an active participant in the program, and has been directly involved in mentoring more than 30 Indigenous law students who have participated in the program over the last decade.

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Published on 20 March 2017