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With the easing of restrictions from 11 June 2021, the Court will gradually adjust its operations in accordance with public health advice continuing to use a mixture of virtual and in-person hearings.

Parties in hearings currently in progress will be advised of any changes to the mode of hearing.

Empanelment of jury trials will resume from Tuesday, 15 June, 2021 and will not be subject to density limits or physical distancing.

In all other matters density limits and distancing requirements are to be observed. In order to ensure these requirements can be met, parties wishing to proceed with an in-person hearing should make a request to do so through the chambers of the presiding judicial officer or relevant registry. The request should provide information about the need for an in-person hearing and information to enable an assessment to be made about whether a suitable courtroom will be available. This form for in person hearings provides a helpful guide to the information required for courtroom allocations.

The arrangements under the Notice to the Profession issued on 17 May 2021 remain suspended.

COVID-Safety measures are in place across all buildings for any on site attendances that are authorised. Public entrances will be open. Victorian Government QR recording systems remain in place at each building’s security screening area.

Face masks are required to be worn in all Supreme Court of Victoria buildings subject to the exemptions. Masks can be provided at the security screening point if required.

The Supreme Court Registry and Probate Office remain operational. Please telephone the Registry Services team or the Probate Office to discuss alternatives to in-person attendance or to make an appointment. The Registry Services team and Probate Office can be contacted on 8600 2000.

If you are subject to a requirement to isolate, feel unwell or have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, do not attend at Court and notify the Registry by calling the Prothonotary on 03 8600 2023 or emailing cebgubabgnel@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@yratonohtorp .

Read the message from the Chief Justice

Published on 10 June 2021