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Supreme Court Justice Jim Delany and Federal Court Justice Michael O’Bryan will be delivering their judgments in the carriage motions in the proceeding brought against International Capital Markets Pty Ltd and Andrew Leon Budzinski on Friday 2 August 2024.

Carriage motions are brought when there are multiple group proceedings/class actions commenced by separate lawyers alleging claims on similar sets of facts and are about which set of lawyers and representative plaintiff will be allowed to control the litigation.

The concurrent hearing will be conducted at the Federal Court in Melbourne, Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 305 William Street, in Courtroom 6A.

The hearing will cover group proceeding S ECI 2024 01169 Nathan Vingrys v International Capital Markets Pty Ltd & Anor and the Federal Court class actions VID88/2024 Wyer v International Capital Markets Pty Ltd & Anor and VID1088/2023 Bain v International Capital Markets Pty Ltd & Anor.

The joint hearing will be livestreamed from 9.30am on Friday 2 August 2024.

Watch the hearing

Published on 31 July 2024