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The Court's efiling system will be offline this weekend while we improve it for all users.

RedCrest is undergoing a significant upgrade over the weekend of 12 and 13 November 2016 to make it a more user-friendly system.  The upgrade incorporates new features and changes following valuable feedback from our RedCrest users. 

To allow this important work to take place, RedCrest will be unavailable to all users from 9.00pm Friday, 11 November 2016 until 8.00am, Monday 14 November 2016.

When the system is back online on Monday, RedCrest users will see a number of new features, including:

A new 'Start A Case' module 

A streamlined filing process allows parties to use their own document templates irrespective of whether those templates include pre-set fields for information such as the names of parties, the causes of action etc. Where you file a form that does not include those fields, you will now be prompted to add that information directly into the system. It is important to note that what is added to the system will still need to be consistent with the information contained in your filing document.

You will also still need to include essential mail merge fields for the case number, date of filing and first directions hearing date and these fields will be available to you on the site and in the How to Guide for Practitioners. The RedCrest system will automatically populate these fields as part of the filing process.  A number of prompts and instructional text will also be added to help facilitate ease of filing and minimise errors.

An improved 'File New Document' procedure

Users will no longer need to navigate away from the Case Page to upload new documents. In addition to the current drag and drop process, users will also be able to navigate to their document management system, such as Windows Explorer, and select a single or multiple documents for upload to a Case Page.

Auto conversion from Word to PDF

While the requirement to file some documents in Microsoft Word remains, RedCrest will now convert these documents to PDF when uploading them to the Court File. The original Word versions will remain available to the judicial officer assigned to the case to assist them with case management.

Easier to file forms

Pre-set fields in documents such as the Notice of Appearance, Counterclaim and 3rd/4th Party notices have either been removed or made optional. Where such information is required, users will be prompted to add it directly into the system.

A number of other changes have been made to improve navigation and provide access to more relevant information. In addition, a new 'How to Guide for Practitioners' will be developed and made available on RedCrest, and on the Commercial Court page of the Supreme Court website. As with previous versions, the guide will include easy to read screen shots to help practitioners more easily interact with the upgraded RedCrest.

The RedCrest Service Desk will be available to assist with any queries: (03) 9603 6042 or erqperfg@fhcerzrpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocemerpus@tsercder

Published on 08 November 2016