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Summary of Justice Taylor's sentencing remarks delivered on 5 February 2019.

Justice Lesley Taylor has sentenced Domenico Natale to four years and six months’ imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 18 months, for reckless conduct endangering life, using an unregistered longarm (firearm), stalking and threatening to kill.

“[Y]our violent, aggressive, and life-threatening behaviour towards [your victim] must have sent a ripple of fear throughout the ranks of sex workers. Each and every such worker has the right – at any time – to refuse the custom of a would-be client, even one who had hitherto been a regular client or even a friend. That decision, however disappointing or anger-inducing or affronting to the ego of the would-be client, should not carry with it the risk of any retaliation, let alone an attack with a loaded firearm…Your multiple use of a shotgun in a public place at short range was cowardly and dangerous. [Your victim] must have been nothing short of petrified. Your behaviour is denounced by this Court,” Justice Taylor said.

Read Her Honour’s full sentencing remarks on AustLII

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Published on 05 February 2019