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The Court welcomes Patricia Matthews and Mark Pedley.

Two new Judicial Registrars have been sworn in at the Supreme Court of Victoria this morning.

Patricia Matthews has been appointed Judicial Registrar of the Civil Division, while Mark Pedley will join the Court as Judicial Registrar of the Criminal Division.

Judicial Registrar Matthews was previously employed as Special Counsel at King Wood & Mallesons. She has 14 years of extensive experience as a practising solicitor in commercial litigation and dispute resolution. Her litigation experience also encompasses areas of common law including personal injuries, negligence, wrongful death and other tortious claims.

Judicial Registrar Matthews will hear and determine interlocutory civil applications in both the Common Law Division and Commercial Court, including matters referred by a judge or associate judge. She will also conduct judicial resolution conferences as part of the Court's judicial mediation program.

Judicial Registrar Pedley was formerly the Judicial Registrar of the Victorian Court of Appeal. He was appointed to that role in 2011 where he led a fundamental restructure of the Court of Appeal. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Ashely-Venne Reforms that revolutionised the management and hearing of criminal appeals. In 2015, he accepted the position of Commonwealth Solicitor for Public Prosecutions.

Returning to the Court, Judicial Registrar Pedley will be responsible for establishing and overseeing a specialist Criminal Division Registry, while supporting the Principal Judge of the Criminal Division in the management and listing of criminal matters.

Judicial Registrars are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney-General.

More Supreme Court news

Published on 24 January 2017