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The Court welcomes Judicial Registrar Julie Clayton.

Ms Julie Clayton was today sworn in as Judicial Registrar of the Common Law Division at the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Judicial Registrar Clayton brings extensive experience to the Court, having been a Principal Lawyer with Slater and Gordon since 2008, in litigation and class action proceedings. She has also ran a successful personal injury practice in the County and Supreme Court jurisdictions, and held a sessional position on the Mental Health Review Panel.

In the last financial year, 2,359 cases were initiated in the Common Law Division. The Division manages cases that fall into four main categories:

  • claims in tort or contract law, including claims involving professional negligence, personal injury and defamation
  • property law
  • proceedings relating to the Court's supervisory jurisdiction over other Victorian courts, tribunals and public officials such as applications for judicial review and appeals on a question of law, and
  • cases relating to wills and estates, including testators family maintenance claims.

Judicial Registrar Clayton will support the Principal Judge and judicial officers of the Common Law Division, and lead Registry staff in reforming processes to drive greater efficiencies in the management of cases. She will also hear and determine interlocutory civil applications, as required, for matters in the Division.

More Supreme Court news

Published on 20 February 2017