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The Court will be hosting the 2017 Innovation and Excellence in Courts Conference on 27 and 28 March.

The Supreme Court, in collaboration with the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, is hosting its first Innovation and Excellence in Courts Conference in Melbourne on 27 and 28 March 2017.

The aim of the conference is to allow judicial officers, court administrators and other justice professionals to reflect on the operational dexterity of its organisations into the future and to better appreciate how well courts and tribunals are performing.

The conference will also highlight the value that can be derived from excellence frameworks such as the International Framework for Court Excellence and foster networking and bench marking opportunities across a broad array of jurisdictions.

Notable speakers at the conference will include the Chief Justice, the Hon Marilyn Warren AC, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, the Hon James Allsop AO, Chief Justice of the ACT, the Hon Helen Murrell, Court of Appeal President, the Hon Chris Maxwell AC and former Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, the Hon John Ronald Mansfield AM, amongst a range of legal scholars and industry experts.

The conference programme features a contrasting mix of sessions, each within the following topics of interest:

  • Operational Agility
  • Transforming Service Delivery
  • Reforming Service Delivery
  • Excellence Frameworks
  • Performance Management

Judicial officers, court and tribunal administrators, public administrators involved with courts and tribunals, practice managers, lawyers and academics are all encouraged to attend.

More Supreme Court news

Published on 08 March 2017