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Entries close soon for the Chief Justice's Best Achievement in Law award.

Funds in Court's Inspire Awards recognise people 18 years and older, living in Victoria, who identify with a disability and are well respected in their field of work/interest and community.

Nominees are acknowledged not only for their professional contribution to their work but for their enduring leadership qualities, role modelling, mentoring and/or volunteering.

The peer-based awards provide an important opportunity to raise awareness about disability issues and, ultimately, support the development of an inclusive Australian society.

This year's Inspire Awards will recognise achievement and contribution in a number of fields, including awards for:

  • Best Achievement in Law
  • Best Achievement in Human Rights
  • Best Achievement in Arts (Visual)
  • Best Achievement in Community Volunteering
  • Best Achievement in Community Disability Advocacy
  • Best Achievement Award in University/Teaching/Research
  • Best Achievement in War Veterans Community Engagement and/or Volunteering

Presenting the Inspire Award for Human Rights last year, Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, spoke to the 200 attendees about what inspiration meant to her.

'It's about encouraging leadership in the community ' leadership can be exercised quietly at one end of the spectrum or, at the other, in a blaze of media publicity.'

Funds in Court is an office of the Supreme Court that administers funds held in court, and assets purchased from them, for more than 5,000 people with a disability.  

More information

Watch the presentation of the 2016 Inspire Awards

Visit Funds in Court, or contact zvenaqn.onva@fhcerzrpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocemerpus@niab.adnarim (and Cc in whyvn.ternpra@fhcerzrpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocemerpus@necaerg.ailuj ) for the full list of award categories and to request a nomination form.

More Supreme Court news

Published on 08 February 2017