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A recent circuit to Geelong saw three judges of the Court of Appeal hear matters, talk to students and present a legal lecture.

Over three days in August, Justice Richard Niall, Justice Kristen Walker and Justice Cameron Macaulay heard three appellate matters, including two applications for leave to appeal convictions with close connections to the Geelong region. 

The first matter heard was a personal injury matter, which was of interest to law students from Deakin University who visited the Geelong courthouse to watch the proceedings. The students also had the opportunity to talk to the judges about the work of the Court. The judges spoke about their interest in becoming judges and their educational and professional journeys before becoming appointed. The students also heard from Andrew Herrmann, associate to Justice Macaulay about their role working in chambers. 

“It was great to talk with local law students about the Court of Appeal and how it is a court for all Victorians,” Justice Walker said.

“They asked some insightful questions and were very interested to see the Court in action.” 

The following day, Justice Macaulay was a guest of Deakin University, presenting a lecture on ‘Socially Disadvantaged Accused: How (Or Should) Courts Take This Into Account’ with academics and students in attendance.

The Court of Appeal is the State’s highest court and hears appeals from the Supreme Court, County Court and Magistrates’ Court, and from VCAT.

The Geelong circuit follows a circuit held in Shepparton in June.

The civil and criminal divisions of the Supreme Court also regularly sit in regional areas – view the circuit calendar.

Published on 11 September 2024