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The Hon. Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC recently officiated at a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the Monash Moot Court.

The Honourable Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC recently officiated at a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the Monash Moot Court. Her Honour 'presided' over a demonstration moot by Monash Law Students.

The Moot Court will provide students with a unique opportunity to develop advocacy skills in the practice of Law. Students will be able to appear in court, have challenging conversations with Judges when advocating on behalf of clients and gain meaningful experience in the field.

As of October 2017, her Honour will retire as Chief Justice at the Supreme Court of Victoria and will be taking up a vice-chancellor's professorial fellowship at Monash University.

Chief Justice Warren is pictured with Monash students and staff including Professor Brian Horrigan, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Monash University (far left) and Margaret Gardner, Vice Chancellor at Monash University (far right).

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Published on 11 August 2017