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The Chief Justice of Victoria, Anne Ferguson, has released a special video message congratulating the 2,208 lawyers admitted to practise in 2021.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court of Victoria made the difficult decision to suspend in-person ceremonies and conduct admissions on the papers.

“I was very keen to ensure that new lawyers would still be admitted throughout this time of change,” the Chief Justice said in her message.

“Although there has been no formal ceremony, the significance of your admission is undiminished. This video is a way of marking the milestone you have reached.

“Being admitted to practise is the culmination of many years of dedicated study and hard work. It marks the beginning of your journeys as Australian lawyers and officers of the Supreme Court.

“So, to you, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations.”

Read video transcript

The Chief Justice also thanked those who have supported the newly admitted lawyers – including family, friends, teachers, colleagues and the profession – and recognised their encouragement over the years.

“Your admission comes at a time of change in the community,” her Honour said in offering words of guidance.

“What you do from here will help to shape the future of the profession. What it will look like in ten or even fifty years’ time is up to you.

“So once again, congratulations to each of you as the newest Australian lawyers. I wish you the very best for all that lies ahead of you.”

The video message was shared with admittees by the Victorian Legal Admissions Board on 13 December 2021.

Watch the video message

Published on 13 December 2021