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The Supreme Court of Victoria welcomes the appointment today of two new judicial officers.

Dr Matthew Barrett has been appointed as an associate judge replacing Associate Justice Randall. Claire Gitsham has been appointed as a judicial registrar in the Commercial Court, filling the vacancy created by the appointment of Judicial Registrar Steffensen as an associate judge. Their appointments take effect today.

Associate Justice Barrett comes to the role following 27 years as a barrister at the Victorian Bar. His Honour also holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Monash University and is a nationally accredited mediator.

Judicial Registrar Gitsham brings experience as a judicial registrar at the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court, a partner and solicitor in general commercial litigation, and as a trained mediator.

The Court warmly congratulates and welcomes the newly appointed judicial officers.

Published on 21 June 2022