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Important changes to the Supreme Court Rules affecting users of the Judicial Review and Appeals List will commence on 1 May 2018.

The Supreme Court (Appeals to the Trial Division, Judicial Review and Further Powers of Judicial Registrars Amendment) Rules 2018 amend Chapters I, II and VI of the Rules of the Supreme Court.

Users of the Judicial Review and Appeals List should familiarise themselves with the changes from 1 May 2018, including:

  • VCAT Appeals: Applications for leave to appeal to the Trial Division pursuant to s 148 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 will need to be commenced by notice of appeal rather than by originating motion. A summons for directions and for leave to appeal will need to be filed within seven days of the notice of appeal.

  • Judicial Review: A summons for directions will need to be filed within seven days of filing an originating motion for judicial review under Order 56 of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2015.

  • Judicial Registrars: The jurisdiction of judicial registrars to make directions and determine certain interlocutory applications in statutory appeals on a question of law (including in criminal appeals) will be expanded.

Practice Note SC CL 9 Judicial Review and Appeals List has also been amended to reflect the Rule changes with effect from 1 May 2018.

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Published on 10 April 2018