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RedCrest e-Filing user guides

The Supreme Court provides information about how to file documents in RedCrest.

In the RedCrest Hub, you can watch or read a guide about how to file documents for a range of matters across the Court.

For information about how to file applications in RedCrest- you can head to, e-Filing guides for RedCrest-Probate.

Start here

Learn how to register for an account with RedCrest and how to begin filing.

Register for RedCrest

A guide on how to create a RedCrest account.
Watch the video

How to start filing

Learn how to start filing in RedCrest.
Read the guide

Create and manage cases

Learn how to create a new case request, access and manage your case, why filings are approved or rejected and get suggestions on how to name files. 

Create a new case request

Learn how to create a new case request within RedCrest.
Watch the video

Create a subsequent filing

A guide on how to create a subsequent filing in RedCrest.
Read the guide

Approval and Rejection of Filings

Learn why documents are accepted or rejected in RedCrest.
Find out why

Accessing Cases

Information about how to access cases in RedCrest.
Read the guide

File search request

Learn how to lodge and pay for a file search request in RedCrest.
Find out more

Document naming conventions

See a list of recommended text to use when filing with RedCrest.
See the list

View guides for divisions

See guides for using RedCrest for the Criminal Division and for the Court of .

Guide: Criminal Division

A guide to using RedCrest for proceedings within the Criminal Division.
Read the guide

Guide: Court of Appeal

A guide to using RedCrest for proceedings within the Court of Appeal.
Read the guide