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Each year, the Chief Justice announces the appointment of new Senior Counsel for Victoria. This is marked by a ceremony held in Banco Court and streamed live online. Being appointed Senior Counsel recognises the individual’s skill, integrity, independence and standing in the legal profession.

Recordings of past ceremonies are available to watch.

Recent ceremonies

Terms of Use

Court footage, including hearings, must not be recorded, rebroadcast or transmitted, including by taking a photograph, screenshot, audio and/or visual recording. This includes posting on social media. Offences apply. Refer to the full Terms of Use.

2024 appointment ceremony

28 August 2024
9.15am ceremony
Watch the ceremony

2023 appointment ceremony

8 November 2023
9.15am ceremony
Watch the ceremony

Older ceremonies

2022 appointment ceremony
9 November 2022 - 9.15am - Banco Court

2021 appointment ceremony
29 November 2021 - 9.30am - virtual ceremony

2020 appointment ceremony
18 November 2020 - 9.30am - Banco Court

2019 appointment ceremony
26 November 2019 - 9.30am - Banco Court

2018 appointment ceremony
13 December 2018 - 9.00am - Banco Court

2017 appointment ceremony
30 November 2017 - 9.15am - Banco Court

2016 appointment ceremony
2 December 2016 - 9.15am - Banco Court

Recordings of prior Senior Counsel appointment ceremonies may be available. Please contact us via  vasb@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@ofni  and we will get back to you as soon as possible.