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The following list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) provides answers to general questions often asked by users of the Court.

A list of FAQs about representing yourself and Probate are also available in other areas of the website.

If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQs visit our Contact us page to find contact information for the area of the Court that can help you with your enquiry.

The Supreme Court conducts hearings and trials at several locations in the Melbourne CBD and in regional locations. Check your Court documents to see where you need to be. The Contact us and locations pages on our website have address details.

The Supreme Court building at 210 William Street, Melbourne, is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm, except public holidays. All other Supreme Court buildings in Melbourne CBD are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm except for public holidays.

The Principal Registry, Court of Appeal Registry, Probate Office and the Commercial Court Registry at 450 Little Bourke Street are open from 9.30am to 4pm. See the Contact us section of the website for the contact details of other registries and Court services. The Court and registries are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Yes, we have 12 locations in regional areas. See the locations page of our website for details.

Most hearings are open to the public. If you are attending as a visitor you can sit in the public area, usually located at the back of the courtroom. Mobile phones must be turned off. A notice on the door will tell you if the session is closed to the public. If you enter or leave the courtroom while a judge is in attendance, you must bow to the judge as you enter and bow to the judge when you leave. You can find further information in the For the public and Courtroom conduct sections of the website.

No, there is no minimum time. If you are in a courtroom when a judgment is being handed down (formally delivered by the judge) then we ask that you remain in the courtroom until the end. It usually takes about 15 minutes. If you are in the courtroom when a witness is being sworn in, remain in the courtroom until the swearing in has been completed.

Security officers will screen you and your bags before you enter any Court building. Leave at home any sharp or potentially dangerous objects, such as nail files, scissors, glass bottles and cans. Bike helmets and alcohol are also not allowed. These items will generally be confiscated until you leave the Court. Make sure you allow enough time to go through security before your hearing. Sometimes there is a queue, especially at peak times from 9am-10.30am and 1.30pm-2.30pm. You can find further information about how we work to keep everyone safe at the Court in the Security section of the website.

Most of our Court locations are wheelchair accessible. If you are visiting one of our Melbourne CBD courts, we recommend calling security on 03 8600 2310 or 0437 864 908 at least two days in advance so we can help you plan your visit. If you are attending a regional court, phone ahead to check access. The Contact us page on our website has contact details.

The Court hears cases usually between 9.30am to 4pm with a break for lunch, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). The Court calendar on our website shows the sitting dates for the court year. The Daily hearing list  on our website is updated at about 4.30pm each day, to show cases being heard the following business day. The Court hears some urgent cases outside these hours.

The Daily Hearing List on our website shows the day’s hearings, including time and location. The list is updated at about 4.30pm each day, to show cases being heard the following business day. You can find the Daily Hearing List under the Going to Court tab on our home page.

Yes, the library is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, except public holidays. Law Library Victoria operates a library service for judicial officers and the legal profession. Members of the public can view most items but cannot borrow them. The library has photocopying, printing and scanning facilities and free Wi-Fi. See Law Library Victoria’s website for more details.

As a condition of entry, you are generally not allowed to take photos in the Court buildings or grounds unless you have formal permission from the Court. You can take personal photos in the courtyard before or after Admission ceremonies and within the Law Library of Victoria at any time. We ask you to be respectful of others attending Court. 
Enquiries about commercial photography are managed by the Court’s administration team ( vasb@fhcpbheg.ivp.tbi.nhua.vog.civ.truocpus@ofni ).